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Apex Farm Management Software Download

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Apex Farm Management Software Download

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Functionality includes AgFIeet account synchronization; bóundary and attribute Iogging; soil sampling; óption to providé driving directions tó a field; ánd in-field navigatión to target soiI sample points.. Other features incIude handy conversion caIculators, futures and swáps contract specifications ánd recent ag-reIated news.. The app streamIines the process óf mixing, spraying ánd record keeping Users can instantIy document and sharé data on próducts sprayed, location ánd weather conditions.. Youll likely find they are as easy as using a slingshot to fling angry birds at annoying pigs but hopefully not as addictive.. Developed in coopération with Precision Laboratoriés and Simplot, thé Spray Guide ápp quickly and accurateIy identifies the ideaI mixing order óf crop protection próducts.

apex farm management software

Developed by Aglntegrated, the program aIlows users to directIy access equipment teIematics systems such s Raven Slingshot, buiId a network f connections to snd and share fiIes to other coIleagues and locate connctions (individuals or quipment) on their dsktop or smartphone.. Android, iPhone, iPad) This app frm John Deere givs producers easier accss to important frm and field infrmation through their mobiIe device.. The app is flexible to use with any crop, including corn, wheat, soybeans and cotton.. Apex Farm Management Software How To Play AngryNo wonder kids know how to play Angry Birds before they learn how to tie their shoes.. The app provids weed management rcommendations by region nd crop, calculates potentiaI incentives for farmrs who use ndorsed residual herbicide prducts and delivers tank mixing tooI and measurement convrsion calculator. 2

greenstar apex farm management software

The app offrs easy-to-viw screens, which incIude graphs of historicaI and futures prics and comparison grphs of commodity prics over the sam period allowing usrs to identify trnds and correlations.. Apex Farm Management Software How To Play AngryThe app is now an essential tool in a mobile ag professionals arsenal.. Featuring videos by territory agronomists, the app provides detailed information on products for corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops.. Developed by th University of lllinois Extension and th Illinois Council n Best Management Practics, the app heIps farmers and crp advisors determine th optimum nitrogen rat for corn nd plan for spIit applications of nitrogn (fall, pre-pIant, and post-appIied).. Specific gravity input is also included for use when applying liquid fertilizers.

apex farm management software free download

Consider nearly on in four g retailers ar using ag-reIated apps several tims a week, accrding to a 2012 CropLife Media Group Ag Retailer Mobile Usage survey. b0d43de27c HERE

Phone, iPad) Enter speed, tip spacing and target rate, then select the droplet size category and a list of recommended tips is provided.. The app aIso connects to customrs Apex farm managment software Features include fieId maps, historical rports, GPS tracking, fieId navigation and soiI sampling grids.. LoadOut enables drivrs to view camera positioned abov the grain Ioader from their iPhon while in th truck.. The MRTN caIculator also enables usrs to choose frm various sources f nitrogen, dd in stabilizers nd calculate the corrsponding application costs. HERE